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Dr.Neubauer A-B-S 2 SOFT
類別: 防弧膠
厚度: 2.1/2.3/2.5mm
This new version A-B-S 2 SOFT comes with the same pink colored dampening sponge.
The rubber formula of the topsheet has been reworked, however.
This provides even better control and makes it even easier to find the right
angle for the bat while blocking, especially against fast topspin shots without
Also, A-B-S 2 SOFT provides improved control when used with modern ABS balls.
The spin reversal produced is the same. The attacking possibilities are
however. Backspin balls can be hit with a fast wrist movement and
counter-attacking is a bit easier to perform. A-B-S 2 SOFT is probably the first
frictionless Anti-Spin
rubber on the market that also allows for active blocking since the bat can be
gently moved forward while blocking. This will produce a diving ball and also
spin reversal.
This way you do not need to block short over the net every time, instead, it is
possible to change the rhythm of the game. Available with dampening sponge with
the following thickness: 2.1, 2.3 and 2.5mm 2.1mm (best spin reversal, low
speed) 2.3mm (very good spin reversal, even lower speed, very good control)
2.5mm (still very good spin reversal, slowest version, very good control)