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厚度: Ultramax / 2.0mm
特性: 粘面
點評: 高旋轉與高速的融合
For the perfect counterspin
~You rely on the highest quality in serve and return, persistently pressuring
your opponent with spins and counterspins.
~Break with conventions, use the strengths of the ENERGY CELL technology: more
power and quality in your strokes, high dynamics and longer ball contact feel.
~The ENERGY CELL sponge with its highly elastic cell structure ensures an
extremely dynamic energy transfer for all topspin variations.
~Use the catapult and the above-average optimal hitting zone of the 48° hard
sponge to add extra persistency to your game.
~With the newly developed C geometry you gain control over your opponent's spin
with help of the Counterspin Damper.