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Der Materialspezialist Spectre Colour (彩色長膠)
類型: 長膠 (Long pips)
厚度: 1.0/0.5/OX
顏色: 藍/紫/綠/粉
With SPECTRE, der-materialspezialist has invented one of the most innovative and
unusual long pimple rubbers that have been released on the world market. Not
only is the pimple structure entirely new, but also the rubber compound is
unique with very interesting properties. SPECTRE especially is suited for
near-to-the-table disruption play with occasional play from a half distance. In
addition, it is hardly impacted by incoming rotation while allowing the whole
spectrum of offensive options. The biggest strength of SPECTRE is the easy and
safe blocking of hard loops and hits, which is enabled through the unique rubber
formula properties that cause a ball's deceleration. At this moment, the ball
has a disrupted low trajectory with a wobbly effect. In addition, the sponge
version of the SPECTRE enables a more powerful game; thereby, the spin
development from a distance and close to the table is excellent. Despite the
maximum permissible pimple length, the SPECTRE can be controlled excellently and
offers the highest control values