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Donic Original True Carbon Inner
類型: 進攻型 OFF-
球拍結構: 5+2
厚度: 約5.6
重量: 約85克
柄型: 橫FL/ST
Technology: 7 plies of Kiri (inner), Hybrid Aramid Carbon (3+5), Ayous (2&6), Koto (1&7, outer) DONIC ORIGINAL TRUE CARBON INNER - The inside secret Something new for players looking for control but with the acceleration to suddenly attack in decisive moments. The materials used and method of production are absolutely first class! DONIC have used the same high-quality plies as in the DONIC ORIGINAL TRUE CARBON, which is already a classic. Additionally, the TRUE CARBON INNER with Hybrid Aramid Carbon includes a completely new carbon ply. This is not placed under the outer plies but completely embraces the inner plies. The result is a softer touch and even more control than with the TRUE CARBON but with slightly less speed.