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日版 Stiga Mantra control
~Control 控制:140
~Speed 速度:99
~Spin 旋轉:108
~Sponge 硬度:45
~厚度: 2.0/1.8mm
■ 45°海綿硬度,在每次擊球時能提供更多的手感和控制
Mantra control 非常適合基於控制和旋轉的球員來提陞技術
與市面上的其他套膠相比,Mantra Control擁有更輕的重量
The rubber is made in Japan and designed in Sweden.
The rubber is lightweight compared to many other rubbers on the market.
The rubber has long-term durability due to the special combination of natural
and synthetic rubber. Mantra Control is excellent for developing technique based
on control and spin.
The rubber has an improved life length due to the increased amount of natural
rubber in the top sheet.
45-degree sponge hardness provides more feeling and control in every stroke.
The rubber is perfect for a player's first personally glued racke