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SPONETA S 6-66 e
Model specification
Sponeta Activeline Outdoors
outdoor table, weatherproof
european standard: EN-Norm 14468-1
To be used throughout the year.
table top/frame profile
melamine resin board 10 mm
colour: blue or green
limited impact-resistant
top resistant against dampness
double strengthening by the frame and additional cross section
frame profil 50 mm x 20 mm, galvanized, powder-coated
Standard (type 1)
galvanised sheet steel, powder-coated
best possible alternative to a table tennis table made of concrete
perfect playing conditions through stable underconstruction
Locking system
solid hold through anchoring on the standing area
playing position: l=274 cm x w=152,5 cm x h=76 cm (in accordance with
international dimensions)
frame profile colour: light grey (RAL 7035)
undercarriage colour: light grey (RAL 7035)
add-on: including assembly instruction with language booklet
accessories: without
gross weight: 118 kg
net weight: 114 kg