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點評: 沉、快、怪!
大維公司的牛博士388C-3採用新材料新配方、新製程製作。精準 的顆粒尺寸排列組合,且顆粒增彈、增韌, 出球神速刁鑽,弧線
詭異,下沉感極強,控球精準,手感柔和,發力、借力均 出色。 。
牛博士388C-3是一款具有正膠的快、生膠的沉、長膠的怪於 一體的綜合性能超強的製勝利器。
388C-3: Sinking, fast, strange
The 388C-3 of Dawei Company is made of new materials, formulas, and processes.
Accurate particle size arrangement and combination, with increased elasticity
and toughness of particles, fast and tricky ball release, stem curves, stroion
curvess, controise ballsoft release, stem curves, stroation, sunsty the high
相同), control curves, stroion, controise, controise. feel, excellent power and
388C-3 is a powerful winning weapon that combines the fast performance of
regular glue, the sinking performance of raw glue, and the strange performance
of long glue.