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大維和AIR套膠: |
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大維388D-2彩色膠 類型: 中顆粒長膠 顏色: 藍/粉/綠 厚度: 0.5/0.8/OX |
會員價: 80
OX(無綿) |
厚度: 1.2/1.5/1.8mm/OX |
HKD85 會員價: 75
OX(無綿) |
大維388D-2 類型: 中顆粒長膠 厚度: 0.5/0.8/1.0mm/OX |
HKD85 會員價: 75
OX(無綿) |
388C-1 特製生膠王
用了特製海綿, 擊球時使破更沉,更飄更怏! |
HKD90.00 會員價: 80.00 |
388D-1 進攻結合防守型長膠 特點:其顆粒將對方攻擊力化解,回球弧?變幻莫測,飄忽不定. 具備展膠的特點外,還可產生旋轉,及可用於進攻,易掌握,攻守 兼備的利器。 海綿厚度:0.5/0.6/0.7/0.8/OX |
HKD65.00 會員價: 60.00
OX(無綿) |
388D-1 進攻結合防守型長膠 特點:其顆粒將對方攻擊力化解,回球弧?變幻莫測,飄忽不定. 具備展膠的特點外,還可產生旋轉,及可用於進攻,易掌握,攻守 兼備的利器。 海綿厚度:0.3mm |
HKD85.00 會員價: 80.00 |
388D-1 Quattro Allround 進攻型長膠 特點:專為喜愛長膠的怪異球球感以及追求進攻型的技術型 球員所設計。這款進攻型長膠,帶給我們的不僅僅是速度, 更有怪異的完美弧線和可控制性能。這種全新的感覺需要你 慢慢體會,先可以俾到完美,全然發揮。更可使你用此款長膠得心應手地發揮其進攻性能。 事實証明大維的高品質長膠帶給你更非凡的長膠效果。 海綿厚度:0.5/0.8/OX |
HKD95.00 會員價: 90.00
OX(無綿) |
388D Grass 20 草 長膠 官方評價:你的長膠會隨風倒嗎?你的長膠會呼吸嗎?全新的388D-Crass 20套膠,帶給你全新的搖擺,以及額外的20%怪異。 海綿厚度: 0.5mm |
HKD90.00 會員價: 85.00 |
388D 長膠 特點:
長膠顆粒可將攻擊力化解, 回球弧線變幻莫測, 飄忽不定. 海綿厚度: 0.5mm |
HKD65.00 會員價: 60.00 |
大維 SAVIGA V 塞維卡長膠
特點: 在保持原有長膠擊球多變型的基礎上采用了長膠粒子 海綿厚度:OX/0.5 |
HKD85.00 會員價: 80.00
OX(無綿) |
388C-1 生膠
生膠弧線下沈,性能獨特,怪異,使對方難以適應,屬於新型的 |
HKD65.00 會員價: 60.00 |
PANAMERA 正膠 (Air牌)
This is the Air
Panamera table
tennis short pips, a new innovation from Air. |
HKD100.00 會員價: 90.00 |
長膠 (Air牌) UPUPUP is very unusual because of its unique formulation.The top the pips are rough,but faster than normal long pips.Against light spin balls it can significantly produce its own spin like regular inverted or short pips but against heavy spin its able reverse the spin and give the traditional long pips effect.The control is excellent for a long pips rubber, the ball will almost never pop up against loops or chops.The tackiness of the pips provides excellent control at the expense of spin reversal.Even with this grip all the traditional long pips shots can be done easily.These effects are from"the GREEN"and "negatron"technologies."the GREEN"technology used on AIR sponges offers a soft feel,to give rubber Unlimited Power,Unlimted Bounce,and UnlimitedRebound."negatron"technology is the lastest for non-elastic requirements.Most players prefer the sponge like this. The"negatron"technology offers the most control and incredible feeling. |
HKD100.00 |
長膠OX (Air牌) UPUPUP is very unusual because of its unique formulation.The top the pips are rough,but faster than normal long pips.Against light spin balls it can significantly produce its own spin like regular inverted or short pips but against heavy spin its able reverse the spin and give the traditional long pips effect.The control is excellent for a long pips rubber, the ball will almost never pop up against loops or chops.The tackiness of the pips provides excellent control at the expense of spin reversal.Even with this grip all the traditional long pips shots can be done easily.These effects are from"the GREEN"and "negatron"technologies."the GREEN"technology used on AIR sponges offers a soft feel,to give rubber Unlimited Power,Unlimted Bounce,and UnlimitedRebound."negatron"technology is the lastest for non-elastic requirements.Most players prefer the sponge like this. The"negatron"technology offers the most control and incredible feeling. |
HKD90.00 |
長膠OX (Air牌) UPUPUP is very unusual because of its unique formulation.The top the pips are rough,but faster than normal long pips.Against light spin balls it can significantly produce its own spin like regular inverted or short pips but against heavy spin its able reverse the spin and give the traditional long pips effect.The control is excellent for a long pips rubber, the ball will almost never pop up against loops or chops.The tackiness of the pips provides excellent control at the expense of spin reversal.Even with this grip all the traditional long pips shots can be done easily.These effects are from"the GREEN"and "negatron"technologies."the GREEN"technology used on AIR sponges offers a soft feel,to give rubber Unlimited Power,Unlimted Bounce,and UnlimitedRebound."negatron"technology is the lastest for non-elastic requirements.Most players prefer the sponge like this. The"negatron"technology offers the most control and incredible feeling. |
HKD90.00 |
Neo Classique Table Tennis rubber is specially designed to deliver
the classic feel of the rubbers used in the Golden Era of Table
Tennis |
HKD90.00 會員價: 80.00 |
SCIROCCO 25SF 反膠 (Air牌) Air is proud to introduce its premeier rubber,the Scirocco. Scirocco uses "the GREEN" technology ,featurinf an incredible new sponge that maintains its speed with all glues,even the water-based VOC-free glue. The Scirocco is a not only spin rubber but also a speed rubber.It is very bouncy and gives a tremendous catapult effect. It is excellent for top spinning,looping,and counter looping. Scirocco is for leading players who demand ultimate spin and speed combined with a sensitive touch.The Scirocco offers a soft sponge, creating a truly sensational touch and feel the player.It gives a crisp clear sound on striking the ball for maximum feedback. |
HKD100.00 會員價: 90.00 |