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Joola Golden Tango PS
Pimple in
The basic
idea of applying a tacky upper surface to a rubber “made in Germany” and to
combine this with a tensor sponge, has also been implemented in the development
of the JOOLA Golden Tango PS.
The Sticky Rubber Technology (SRT), that has
already been successfully used for the Golden Tango, increases the spin values
of all shots due to the excellent ball connection with the rubber surface.
In order to add even higher catapult values to the rubber, the Golden Tango PS
has been given a dynamic, middle-pored 50° sponge. On the one hand, the ball is
therefore catapulted more highly away from
the rubber, which particularly
optimises the performance when playing topspin shots and on the other, the pink
coloured sponge provides excellent feedback which gives additional control in
difficult playing situations.