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品牌及分類: |
類型: OFF+
拍面尺寸: 157 X 150mm
層數: 5+2
厚度: 6.2mm
重量: 90
柄型: FL/ST
產地: 日本
High-quality offensive blade from our exclusive
Japanese blade workshop. VICTAS Dynawood Power combines unrivalled playing
features for vigorous attacking
and high-end workmanship made in Japan. The secret of
the VICTAS Dynawood series is the new Dynawood Technology. This innovative
material is made of countless,
extremely thin wood fibres which are joined in a
complex process. The result is a blade with very constant bouncing
characteristics (sweet spot), providing for excellent feel
and enormous power at the same
time. VICTAS Dynawood Power is the first choice for players relying on dominance
and powerful attacking. Limited availability.
Headsize: 157x150mm
Made in Japan