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特點: 新塑膠球用板
層數: 9
類型: 進攻型+
重量: 90 (±5)
厚度: 6.0mm
柄型: 橫板FL/ST
產地: 瑞典
The first addition to the famous classic Avalox blade line in 20 years. After
the legendary P500 and P700 blades that dominated table tennis for a decade,
Avalox introduces its first Swedish-made 9-ply blade. With 9 plies, one might
expect a stiff, thick blade, but this blade is the opposite: Only a fraction of
a millimeter thicker than a 5-ply blade and thinner than the P700, this blade's
specially selected wood plies give it the touch needed for an all-round
offensive play while providing enough power to deal with the additional weight
and hardness of the plastic ball. Made in Sweden.