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Xiom Vega SPO
類型: 生膠 (短粒)
厚度: 2.0/Max
Short Pimple Out with Powerful Technology Hyper Elasto generation tensor
pimple out. Scienced for close to net attack and blocking Focused on real
winning probablity
Vega SPO effectively neutralises the opponent's spin and
provides extremely aggressive speed for close-to-net play. Pimples made by Hyper
Elasto Tensor technology have
more accurate and powerful dynamics against
opponent's spin. Vega SPO is chemically designed to maximize the aggressiveness
with easier control; combined with special
pimple geometry. As the unique
advantage Vega SPO also has the parabolic trajectory to increase real winning
probability. Create your powerful game tactics with Vega SPO
and Win With