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最近,Donic 為了紀念三位球員在多特蒙德的神作推出了紀念款球板。選用源自於意大利的20年雲杉作為球板的面材,純手工製作,將含水量控制到4%以內,搭載全新的CFZ (CARBONFLEECE ZYLON) 纖維,配合最為貼合手掌的3D手柄技術。使用全新的SPT (SPRUCE PRESSING TECHNOLOGY 雲杉壓制)技術,控制每層木材的精準度。並以三位傳奇球員的姓名與他們打法風格進行性能規劃。只有這樣完美無暇的球板,才能勾起人們的回憶與欲望,去重現25年前在多特蒙德的神話。

DONIC World Championship 89' Waldner CFZ

層數: 7
類型: 進攻型+
重量: 85 (±5)
厚度: 6.9mm
柄型: 橫板FL/ST
產地: 德國

Spruce Pressing Technology (SPT) "Made in Germany" Our finest quality, produced by top craftsman in honour of the Swedish legends. Top workmanship, made in Germany.
The new World Champion 89 blade series is exceptional. It celebrates the 25th anniversary of Sweden winning the World Championships Team title in Dortmund in 1989
(in a historic 5-0 final win against China). DONIC is exclusively producing three new blades in Germany, in honour of the legends Jan-Ove Waldner, Jörgen Persson und Mikael Appelgren.
Hand crafted and employing the most modern precision and technical know-how, in acknowledgement of the supreme mastery with which the Swedish Superstars played.
All three models have incorporated an Italian Spruce ply which is over 200 years old. This is combined with a 3mm strong centre veneer of Kiri and for the Appelgren All+ model,
Ayous combined with a new Carbonfleece Zylong webbing (CF2), exclusive for DONIC. Only the finest saw plies of our own production are being used.
These are more stable than the usual knife plies and are a guarantee that the blade retains its playing characteristics without the normal deterioration.
A specially developed drying procedure reduces the moisture content of all three types of blade from 12 to 16% to only 4%, resulting in a stable and light blade
(Waldner and Persson blades weighing approx. 85g and the Appelgren All+ blade only 80g approx.) Each individual blade is subjected to a special cold press for 24 hours.
The employment of our unique 3D-technology and the most recent bio technology ensures that the handle is in perfect shape. This is a fast blade but with great feel and ease of control.
Designed for players who require a balance between speed and control.
Control 8 Speed 9+, Category: Off-/Off, Elasticity: semi-rigid Thickness of ply: 6, 9 mm, 7 ply 3,0 mm Kiri Carbonfleece- Zylon 0,8 mm Spruce 1,0 mm Spruce

點評: 老瓦後期的很多球板都被球迷們戲稱為「妖刀」,倒不是球板本身有多妖,而是老瓦那神出鬼沒的打法賦予了球板「妖力」。雖然1995年之後的Dicon (瓦木) 和2000年之後的瓦碳略帶些妖氣,但是瓦爾德內爾在89年還是小瓦,那時候他並非靠一些天生的靈感球來主導比賽,而是靠真刀真槍的硬功夫去一分一分的打。

這支瓦爾德內爾紀念款並非妖刀,它沒有瓦碳那種難以控制的低平弧線,也沒有DICON 那種通過別樣的手柄鏤空帶來的極致手感,但是它卻隱隱約約帶有一絲妖味。若以阿佩依倫紀念款為比照,老瓦紀念款將球板的次表層換成了較厚的硬質雲杉,將CFZ纖維內疊貼合大芯。一直以來內置纖維的手感和作用就不像外疊纖維般直來直去,顯得更有內涵。


